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Research Data Management (RDM)


This RDM workshop is designed to give a generic overview of RDM principles and practices. In most research fields there are field specific and community driven standards and practices, especially for file organization and metadata. This workshop does not address this field specific standards as it was designed for a broad audience from different research areas.

Topics 💡

Under the following sections you'll find the objectives for each of the topics we'll discuss during this workshop and further materials/readings.

  • Introduction to RDM
  • The Open Science Framework (OSF)
  • Research Data Management Plan (RDMP)
  • Pre-registration
  • Project and Data Organization
  • Metadata
  • Version Control
  • Data Storage and Sharing
  • Copyright and Licenses

optional/reading/further materials


My work on this workshop was enabled through my work and training as a Data Steward in the SFB 135 "Cardinal Mechanisms of Perception", infrastructure project NOWA.
