Getting started
Open your terminal and type:
mkdocs new .
├── docs/
│ └──
└── mkdocs.yml
The docs folder
Over the course of this workshop we will heavily populate the docs folder with different kind of files. All the content you want to display on your website in form of text or images will live in this folder. Most of the time, this content is written with Markdown which enables you to do nice formatting, include code-chunks, images, tables etc. etc.
The YAML-file
The mkdocs.yml file determines the settings of your website. In this file you state in which order you want your content (navigation), which theme, color, font, language; change icons and copyright etc. etc.
Find more background information on Markdown and YAML in the Google Slides.
After you created the template folder you can already check how the template website looks by creating a localhost address. For this, you simply have to type the following command in the terminal (inside your website directory):
mkdocs serve
It will always automatically update as soon as you change something in your configurations (i.e., the YAML file) or your content (i.e., in your Markdown files).
First Customizations
As mentioned above, you can customize your website regarding a lot of features. The documentation of mkdocs-material is very comprehensive and easily understandable, which is why I will link to their site for many of the instructions.
Task 1
Open the mkdocs.yml file:
- Give your website a name
- add the theme of the design you're using (here: material)
- hint to the directory where all your Markdown files and other content will live
site_name: example theme: ##under theme goes everything design related name: material docs_dir: docs
Task 2
Please visit the mkdocs-material setup page and go through the first four configurations:
- colors
- fonts
- language
- logo and icons
Changes are made in the YAML file under theme:
and apply immediately. You can check the changes on the website in your browser via the localhost address.
Best Practice
Create a new folder in the docs directory called assets and within assets a new directory called images. In this images folder you should store all the images you'll use on your website.
├── docs
│ ├── assets
│ │ └── images
│ │ ├── creating-your-site.png
└── mkdocs.yml
Filling your website with content
Content divided in different sections is created by multiple Markdown-files. For each section you need a new Markdown-file. In this file you write and format the text (and images, code, citations etc.) according to the Markdown syntax.
Task 3
- Make yourself familiar with the Markdown syntax
- Create new .md files and fill them with content, e.g.,
- a section to introduce yourself in a section (e.g, "About")
- a section where you outline your research interests and display some related figures
- a section with contact details
- a Blog section
- etc.
Landing page
How to create a pretty landing page is outlined in another section. Please only focus on the content of your sections in this task.
Curriculum Vitae
Instead of displaying your CV using .md you can also import a pdf-version of your CV. If you'd like to do so, please see the section "Pretty and Useful Extras".
Setting up the navigation
Now that you gathered the content for your website you will need to determine the order and the look of your navigation bar.
Task 4
Open your .yml file and define the order of your content, e.g.:
site_name: example
name: material
docs_dir: docs
- Home: ##this is fixed! The .md file of the landing page needs to be named ""
- About:
- Research interest:
- Contact:
- ##etc
Task 5
Read through the navigation configurations, choose the ones you like and apply them to your website by defining it in your .yml file. For example, the navigation (and other) setups for this website look like this:
site_name: Workshop Web-Design for Scientists
name: material
primary: blue grey
text: Montserrat
code: Roboto Mono
language: en
logo: assets/images/nowa-white.png
- navigation.tabs #navigation tabs vertically aligned under on the top
- navigation.tabs.sticky #tabs stay visible when scrolling down
- #back-to-top button
- navigation.sections #sections ( files) rendered
- navigation.expand #left sidebar will expand all collapsible subsections
- toc.integrate #"Table of contents" is not separately shown on the right but integrated in the navigation on the left
Task 6
For the following sections: Add all the markdown extensions to your mkdocs.yml
file, like so:
- admonition
- abbr
- attr_list
- def_list
- footnotes
- meta
- md_in_html
- codehilite
- pymdownx.critic
- pymdownx.caret
- pymdownx.keys
- pymdownx.mark
- pymdownx.tilde
- pymdownx.tabbed
- pymdownx.details
- pymdownx.inlinehilite
- pymdownx.smartsymbols
- pymdownx.tasklist:
custom_checkbox: true
- pymdownx.superfences
- pymdownx.tabbed:
alternate_style: true
- pymdownx.emoji:
emoji_index: !!python/name:material.extensions.emoji.twemoji
emoji_generator: !!python/name:material.extensions.emoji.to_svg