To actively participate in the workshop you need to have...
- ... python installed in order to use pip for installing the python packages we need for setting up the website.
When you have python installed, run the following command in your terminal in order to install "Material for mkdocs", which we will use to create our website:1 2 3 4 5
pip install \ mkdocs \ mkdocs-material \ mkdocs-material-extensions \ pymdown-extensions
- ... a GitHub account and a SSH key setup.
- ... a local code editor, such as VS Code. I highly recommend VS Code because it provides you with...
- syntax highlighting for multiple languages (which we will need)
- displaying multiple files next to each other (we will need to modify content in multiple files simultaneously)
- preview for rendered markdown-files (which we will work with to design the content)
- ... Git installed and configured on your local computer.